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The Archangel Grids

An Archangel is an Angel of a high rank and though both are recognized in the scriptures of many religions, they, themselves belong to all and none, being in the service of the higher power.  They just need to be asked for their support in our lives.
There is a lot of mixed and criss-crossed information about Angels on the internet.  I have sifted through and found some common threads.  What counts is what they mean to you.
As with all symbols, shapes, numbers, even Angels – they represent what you think they do.  Our thoughts are the energy that create every impression.
To develop and feel your Angels, sit in meditation, ask a specific Angel to join you and show themselves. Feel them, know them.
Change your perspective, change your life.  Create your reality with your thoughts.  Any thought that is born or nurtured with love will create a positive reaction.

All grids have their corresponding Archangels called upon to support the intention of the recipient for their highest good with harm to none.

We will add Archangels and Grids as requested.  Custom Grids are available here.

Archangel Grids

Archangel Michael is known as the ‘Angel of Protection’, ‘The Great Defender of Light & Goodness’, He protects psychically and physically, clearing negative energy and fear. A Powerful reassurance of Unconditional Love and Protection, He assists in the cutting of relationship and karmic cords clearing your space and auric field of all negative influences.


Planet: Sun
Sign: Leo
Direction: South
Element: Fire
Chakra: Root, Throat
Day: Sunday

Archangel Raphael is the angel of Healing. The Healers’ Healer! Although He is known to perform healing miracles, he is more likely to encourage you to heal yourself of physical, mental and Emotional issues. Leaving you signs for direction, nudging you to do so and walking with you through the process to break through the blocks and obstacles that inhibit the natural ability to heal. ASK, Watch and Listen for his guidance.
The Prayer/affirmation of this grid: “Archangel Raphael I thank you for your help in the healing of the recipient of this grid”. If you are holding this – He brought you here and is already with you.


Planet: Mercury
Sign: Gemini and Virgo
Direction: East
Element: Air
Chakra: Heart
Day: Wednesday

Archangel Gabriel, known as the “Messenger of God” of the Pure White Ray,  brings clarity,  peace and joy.  He is the inspiration and creativity of the arts, helping to remove pride and negative thoughts that block love, wisdom and communication from out higher selves. Known to communicate through our dreams.


Planet: Moon
Sign: Cancer
Direction: West
Element: Water
Chakra: Crown
Day: Monday

Archangel Uriel is known as the “Light of God” and the ‘Angel of Wisdom’ illuminating your mind and path with the knowledge you need or ask for.  Call upon Him for help with hard decision making, dispelling negative thoughts, emotions or anxiety.  He grounds, protects and balances with the reflection of Divine Light and Wisdom when seeking the Truth. Considered to be the Saint of arts and science, he inspires and awakens the intellect.


Planet: Uranus
Sign: Aquarius
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Chakra: Root
Day: Saturday

Archangel Chamuel is known as the angel of peaceful relationships. A powerful Archangel of comfort, love, peace and compassion. Ask for his assistance, and he will support you with Divine Love.
A protective companion as you travel your journey, teaching Unconditional Love, Peace & Forgivness, nurturing Romantic Love, friendships and Healing the wounded heart. Powerful psychic and emotional Protector bringing in positive change. Archangel Chamuel will also help you in securing a lasting, satisfying career.


Planet:  Earth
Sign: Taurus
Element: Earth
Chakra: Sacral
Day: Monday, Tuesday

Archangel Raguel is known as the angel of Harmony and Peace. A powerful Archangel of Justice, Fairness & Redemption. He quietly assists in the resolution of arguments, promoting Cooperation and Harmony in groups and families. Provides excellent support for Mediation of disputes.
If asked, He will help one find their inner peace, resolving old wounds and hurts.
He is known for Defending the unfairly treated and empowering the underdogs. His Orderliness helps to motivate one to take action to help those in need, for good causes.



Archangel Raziel means ‘Secret of God’. The Archangel of Divine Magic, He can help you to manifest prosperity and to understand the Laws of the Universe so you can leverage them to create blessings in your life. Revealing the mysteries of the universe, he opens psychic and extrasensory perception bringing understanding and inspiration that magically align you to opportunities for the manifestation of abundance.



Archangel Zadkiel Known as the ‘Angel of Mercy’, representing Benevolence, Freedom & Forgiveness. Zadkiel can help you feel mercy and compassion toward yourself and others, and let go of judgment and unforgiveness.

Assists in seeing the Divine Light within replacing negative energies with faith and compassion. Releasing emotional residue from old or karmic situations. Promoting Calm in stressful situations.

Also known as the Angel of ‘Memory’, can assist students or help find that which is lost.


Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Gemini
Chakra: Crown

Archangel Metatron known as the ‘Angel of Life’ is the protector of children and the keeper of the Akashic Records, a scribe.  He assists in Spiritual progress and awakening through esoteric knowledge, raising your vibrational energy.  Karmic and past life work is strongly supported. He is a teacher and assists writers who seek and spread divine truth. Automatic writing is nurtured. If you see 11:11, that is Metatron.

If your child needs assistance in adjusting to home, school or social situations, call upon Archangel Metatron, as assisting children is his special mission, especially the crystal and indigo children with special gifts that they do not understand.


Planet: Earth
Sign: Virgo
Element: Earth
Chakra: All
Day: All