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Grid Activation & Intention Setting

Archangel Raziel | Vintage Cotton Crystal Grid Cloth

Loving Intent

Setting our intention into the grid is the main ingredient of our recipe for success!

A heart-centered intention ( when you FEEL the desire/need) is so powerful – so FEEL IT!

While speaking your intention out loud is not necessary, I find it more effective, as verbalizing it gives it more form.  You can also write it on a piece of paper and put it under the grid.While activating it,  visualize what the outcome of this intention looks and feels like.

Start by calling upon your Archangel, Guides, Universal Energy or Deity of Choice

” I ask for the Assistance, Blessing and Support of Archangel _________ .


  • ‘I program this grid to fill my life with abundant gratitude, joy, peace and comfort, releasing all negativity, unrest and anxiety, for my highest good, with harm to none.’
  • ‘I program this crystal grid to support me in the success of my new business venture, manifesting more blessings in my life, for my highest good, with harm to none.’
  • ‘I program this grid with love and comfort to heal the hurt and pain for “NAME” that their present circumstance has caused, for their highest good, with harm to none.’
  • ‘I program this grid with love and comfort, to aide in the physical recovery of “NAME”, for their highest good, with harm to none.’
  • ‘With Love, I program this grid to assist in the addiction recovery of “NAME” , may their healing be effective, replaced with faith and love for themselves.  Let them KNOW they are worthy! Let it be for their highest good, with harm to none.’

and on and on – they can be short or long – as long as they are not muddled – a muddled intention brings muddled results.

There is NO WRONG way of sending healing or supporting energy and love to yourself or others, as long it is done with loving intent.


Feel free to ask any questions you might have! Contact Debi here


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