Archangels and Angels
are referenced and revered in many ancient texts and religions, portrayed in art and sung in music. All references unitedly claim them as beings of a higher power of consciousness that are tasked with supporting, assisting, teaching, healing and protecting souls on all planes of existence. When called upon, they will attend.
The Archangel Grids
The patterns chosen for the Angels have more to do with the intention set out. All grids have been infused with the healing light of Reiki energy and had their corresponding Archangels called upon to support the intention of the recipient for their highest good, with harm to none.
Archangel Michael is known as the ‘Angel of Protection’, ‘The Great Defender of Light & Goodness’, He protects psychically and physically, clearing negative energy and fear.
A Powerful reassurance of Unconditional Love and Protection, He assists in the cutting of relationship and karmic cords clearing your space and auric field of all negative influences.
Direction: South
Grid Pattern: Hexagram(Star of David) or Pentagram
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo, Sagitarius, Aries
Day: Sunday
Season: Summer
Scents: Chamomile, Frankincense, Rosemary, Sage
Flower: Marigold
Archangel Raphael is the ‘Angel of Healing‘. The Healers’ Healer! Although He is known to perform healing miracles, he is more likely to encourage you to heal yourself of physical, mental and Emotional issues. Leaving you signs for direction, nudging you to do so and walking with you through the process to break through the blocks and obstacles that inhibit the natural ability to heal.
ASK, Watch and Listen for his guidance.
The Prayer/affirmation of this grid: “Archangel Raphael I thank you for your help in the healing of the recipient of this grid”.
Direction: East
Grid Pattern: Metatron’s Cube
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Zodiac: Gemini
Day: Wednesday
Season: Spring
Scents: lavender, lily of the valley, mint, bergamot and thyme
Flower: Iris
Archangel Gabriel ~ ‘the Messenger‘ – heralds in new beginnings with clarity and purpose, supporting any type of endeavour with creative arts, writing, performing, communication.
Gabriel opens the third eye enhancing self-confidence in intuition and higher purpose. Often communicates through dreams and inspired creativity, also assisting in dream interpretation.
Direction: West
Grid Pattern: Flower of life
Planet: Moon
Element: Air
Zodiac: Cancer,
Day: Monday
Season: Autumn
Scents: Jasmine, rose, eucalyptus and myrrh.
Flower: White lily, white rose
Archangel Uriel, known as the ‘Light of God’, ‘Angel of Light’, ‘Angel of Wisdom’, inspires the discovery of divine wisdom and truth, ruling the mental plane, esoteric studies, earth’s environment. Assists in helping one to ‘See the Light”, the reality of a situation, offering the courage to embrace what is true to overcome personal challenges.
Uriel’s energy provides support to those seeking to find, speak, and realize their truth in a way that serves the highest and best versions of themselves, relieving anxiety, anger and confusion, bringing creative inspiration. Assists in all recovery of PTSD and addictions.
Archangel Uriel helps us interpret inner voices and dreams to heal every aspect of our lives. Promoting unconditional forgiveness, guides shift to higher consciousness.
Direction: North
Grid Pattern: Flower of Life
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aries
Day: Tuesday
Season: All Seasons
Scents: Cinnamon, nutmeg, sandalwood
Flower: Snapdragon, Solomon’s seal, thistle
Archangel Chamuel is known as the ‘Angel of peaceful relations‘. A powerful Archangel of comfort, love, peace and compassion. Ask for his assistance, and he will support you with Divine Love.
A protective companion as you travel your journey, teaching Unconditional Love, Peace & Forgivness, nurturing Romantic Love, friendships and Healing the wounded heart. Powerful psychic and emotional Protector bringing in positive change.
Direction: Center
Grid Pattern: Triquetra with Celtic Knot
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aries
Day: Tuesday
Season: All Seasons
Scents: neroli, rose, frankincense, geranium, and chamomile
Flower: Roses
Archangel Raguel is known as the ‘Angel of Harmony and Peace’. A powerful Archangel of Justice, Fairness & Redemption. He quietly assists in the resolution of arguments, promoting Cooperation and Harmony in groups and families. Provides excellent support for Mediation of disputes.
If asked, He will help one find their inner peace, resolving old wounds and hurts.
He is known for Defending the unfairly treated and empowering the underdogs. His Orderliness helps to motivate one to take action to help those in need, for good causes.
Grid Pattern: Seed of Life w/Hexagram
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra
Scents: Vanilla
Archangel Raziel means ‘Secret of God’. The ‘Archangel of Divine Magic‘, He can help you to manifest prosperity and to understand the Laws of the Universe so you can leverage them to create blessings in your life.
Revealing the mysteries of the universe, he opens psychic and extrasensory perception bringing understanding and inspiration that magically align you to opportunities for the manifestation of abundance.
Grid Pattern:
Archangel Zadkiel Known as the ‘Angel of Mercy’, representing Benevolence, Freedom & Forgiveness. Zadkiel can help you feel mercy and compassion toward yourself and others, and let go of judgment and unforgiveness.
Assists in seeing the Divine Light within replacing negative energies with faith and compassion. Releasing emotional residue from old or karmic situations. Promoting Calm in stressful situations.
Grid Pattern:
Archangel Azrael, known as the ‘Angel of Comfort’, is a beautiful, loving Angel that can be called upon anytime by anyone seeking peace, a sense of calm and guidance. Call upon Azrael for support, comfort and positive thinking when dealing with Grief or loss of any kind. He supports, healers, helpers and counsellers to help those in suffering.
Also known as the ‘Angel of Death’, he assists those leaving this physical existence to cross over with peace and comfort.
Archangel Azrael has been asked to provide comfort to the recipient of this grid.
Grid Pattern: Merkaba
Season: Spring
Scents: Rose, frankincense, cinnamon
Flower: Rose,
Archangel Jophiel, known as the “Angel of Beauty” This patron of arts and beauty inspires one to think beautiful thoughts, develop beautiful souls, inspired creations.
Helps one discover more joy and laughter, with gratitude. Associated with feng shui, helps to bring positive energies into the the home, creating a positive home environment. Assists in reducing clutter. Promotes mental clarity for studying or learning, promoting creative thinking.
Supports you in appreciating the beauty in yourself, cutting through blockages and illusions.
Grid Pattern:
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Day: Wednesday
Season: Spring
Scents: lavender, orange, myrrh, and lemongrass
Archangel Metatron, known as the ‘Angel of Enlightenment” is the Keeper of the Akashic Records. Knowledge is power and Metatron’s ultra high vibrational frequency assists us in light work, energy cleansing and releasing what no longer serves us, allowing us to shift our life in ways that allow for more freedom, self-confidence and a deeper understanding of ourselve and our place in the Divine Universe.
Promoting positive thinking and manifesting, a. powerful initiator of change , miracles and transformation.
He is a strong suppporter and defender of the highly sensitive Indigo/Crystal Children.
Grid Pattern: Metatron’s Cube, Merkaba
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo
Scents: Juniper, absinthe, frankensence
Archangel Ariel, the ‘Angel of Nature‘ oversees the planet Earth, protection and healing of plants and animals. Supervising the care of the elements, Ariel grounds and assists one in recognizing and appreciating the power and beauty of nature, revealing hidden secrets and inspiring us to live in harmony with the natural rythyms of earth.
Ariel helps one develop their full potential and the setting of goals, removing obstacles with innovative thinking and discoveries.
Supervising the realm of nature spirits/angels, fairies, elves, leprecauns, animal spirit guides, Ariel reveals our slumbering intuitive and psychic connections to create great changes as protectors of Earth and all living things.
Grid Pattern:
Flower: Azelea
Archangel Fhelyai, the ‘Guardian of Animals’, watches over the entire animal kingdom. Fhelyai and his Angels have arrived in response to all the prayers for the love and welfare of animals, which have elevated the vibration of the earth plane.
The bond and connection with all animals is strengthened with his assistance. When called upon to help animals in distress or ill health, he responds with pure white light and love. He aids in the communication between man and animals and lends support for the ascension to higher dimensions for both.
Call upon Archangel Fhelyai to lift the veil of seperation and bring health, joy and love to nature’s creatures.
Grid Pattern:
Flower: Azelea
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